woensdag, oktober 11, 2006
'Struikel bij het beklimmen van Mount Everest niet over dode Tibetanen...'

Dit is absurd...
Westerse bergbeklimmers en hun Sherpa's worden voor de voeten gelopen door Chinese grenswachten die vluchtende Tibetanen van de hellingen van Mount Everest af schieten
Dat schrijft 'The Independent.'
'Chinese diplomats in the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu are tracking down and trying to silence hundreds of Western climbers and Sherpas who witnessed the killing of Tibetan refugees on the Nangpa La mountain pass last week.'
De grenswachten lenen voor het gemak ook even een kijker van de klimmers:
'Fears for the safety of Western climbers still in Tibet and worries that China
will clamp down on profitable climbing operations - it costs up to £30,000 for
an attempt on Everest - have meant that news of the incident has been slow to
emerge. An American climber, who asked not to be identified, told of his
revulsion at the failure of other climbers to speak out."Did it make anyone turn
away and go home? Not one," he said. "People are climbing right in front of you
to escape persecution while you are trying to climb a mountain. It's
The shooting happened at around 10.30am on 30 September. A witness: "A group of between 20 and 30 people on foot was heading towards the Nangpa La Pass. Then those of us at advance base camp heard two shots, which may have been warning shots. The group started to cross the glacier and there were more shots. We were probably about 300 yards away from the Chinese who were shooting. This time it definitely wasn't warning shots: the soldiers were putting their rifles to their shoulders, taking aim, and firing towards the group. One person fell, got up, but then fell again. We had a telescope with us but the soldiers took this. Later they used it to look at the dead body."
De Survival & Outdoor-industrie doet er echt alles aan westerse toeristen van het 'ware' avontuur te laten proeven ... wat dacht u van een lekker dagje teambuilden in Darfur?